All posts with the tag “SPS”

  • Industrien Logistik

    Automation in intralogistics

    Intralogistics plays an important role in warehousing and material flow within companies. In order to increase efficiency and save costs, automation technologies are being used more and more frequently.

  • Automation in waste management

    Waste management today is all about dealing with waste as efficiently and environmentally friendly as possible. One way to achieve this is to automate processes.

  • Obsolescence management

    Durch die immer kürzeren Innovationszyklen der Baugruppen und der stetigen Entwicklungsprozesse wächst die Relevanz des Obsoleszentmanagements. Das Ziel ist es, die Versorgung mit Ersatzteilen über die Nutzungsdauer von Industrieanlagen sicherzustellen und somit den langfristigen Betrieb der Anlage zu gewährleisten.

  • The advantages of used spare parts

    When companies think about purchasing spare parts for PLC technology, they usually have two options: buying new spare parts and buying used spare parts. It is often assumed that new parts are easier to obtain and last longer. However, buying…

  • Circular Economy

    The circular economy strives for the longest possible use of products and raw materials. Waste is avoided by reusing and repairing existing products. In addition, some of them are broken down into their original materials and reused. This saves resources,…